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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Two Soup Bowls

Warm soup
from my kitchen
carried onto

small spoon
within your strong hands
they carry with care
seasoned with hints of
... white light shining
up above
highlighting your sweet lips
lips about taste
such a soup
Blessed they are...
cared for and loved...
each morsel consumed
is as delicious
as a caring kiss
sweet and sensible
never cruel
nor apprehensible
warm, hot soup
then passing
caressing each taste bud
falling and caressing
your core...
that core which beats
it beats...
for my soul...
and mine for yours.
-- Chevalterre Nabil, 20 Sept 2015

Juarez Issues 2015 Chibi version

Como trucha
esta Mujer
Karlita la Norteña
a la lucha
... a chaleco
... chingarrrrr....
toda mujer
por todo el mundo
es sagrada
... sicarios mas nacos
que se jodan entre si
y dejen al los demas en
no pas!

Save Your Beef

steak seasoned
well done fajitas with fresh onions
small bits of muenster with a slight melt
topped with:
cherry tomatoes
baby spinach
sunflower sprouts
a hint of love...
a.k.a. chile powder from a sweetheart
... 'never overdo the sour cream',
it is said in Hispanic and Latino households...
each day
is more
, more
, and more scarce
by the hour
and second!
No one is perfect
.. don't call anything off
if you didn't dot an 'i',
didn't cross a 't'
the latest generations
won't ever have to stress over that
when they wave their hands over screens
to find
cures for cancers
ways to save the planets
and teach the right battles
to obtain world peace...
money never really existed...
we push to obtain digital credits
to keep roofs over our heads...
let's build some more communes.
the corn taco shells holding my food
were given to me by a roommate as I moved into the house
zucchini and sprouts were a surprise
someone else's surplus
no one wanted to see any of it
go to waste.
organic baby spinach came with a 50-cent discount
no one wants to carry heavy coins
sour cream is a dollar less in a tube
hangin' on to old plastic buckets means
you may be hoarding too many
chile powder was quickly exchanged
for the bracelet I gave
to the person I love...
The bracelet says H-U-G-S.
Hugs are always free at the Hippy Shack
They're always free if you run into me...
Still much cheese left,
as my lover and I had made lasagna with it
the other day.
cherry tomatoes,
in three large cups
and so many beautiful
and deliciously growing onions
and buds
they had filled my bags
at the last, of the last
food distributions
we're still looking for
a non-profit sponsor...
the people of the community
wait three entire hours
sometimes at the very least
to fill up
our fridges and cupboards
of someone else's surplus...
no one wants to throw it away...
and shamefully...
someone wanted to throw away
a half-pound steak
restaurant left overs
... I don't buy beef,
for I am fed up
with having known for decades
that not all cattle are treated well...
cut into it and read the muscles' nerves...
I asked for the box.
It was placed in my hands.
And even though four full tacos
filled with all kinds of food
that others didn't want to see go to waste,
have become both lunch and supper.
Today, I just couldn't
make it to the farm gig.
My co-worker's truck broke down.
so we lose a three-hour wage for the week.
but we gain much by communicating solutions
as to how we can save ourselves
and not go to waste.
- Chevalterre Nabil Sept 2015

........... You are welcome to continue by viewing this video:

Posted by Gumbi Ortiz on Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

I Love You Still

I am sorry.
I cannot be There,
where You'd like me to...
the way I used to be.
It's a painful process....
when you think of me,
I think of you
When you yearn to feel me near,
the pain shared -
I endure.
the form to cure:
to write and call...
Call or write.
I am always here.
-- 13Jun2015, C.N.

Iron? Knot! Sew! (Irony? Not So!)

She felt the noose around her neck
wanting to tighten
She felt that noose around her neck
trying to tighten
She'd reach for it
when it wasn't there
She'd assimilate tightening it
and nothing hurt
But why did that noose insist?
Why did it persist?
In choking her so....
so... she sews
threading through needles
to mend and sew...
She mends and sews...
threading little needles
she mends and sews!
Mending, colors blending
the mind no longer bending
threads manipulated
folded and bending
through the eye of Silver...
Mending, colors bending
the mind tried and bending
hindering Knot
and ties
in the Mind!
Thoughts had twisted
morbid feelings misting...
No, no, no, no more!
Why Not?
sew, so
she threaded and mended....
so so
the colors healing
and harmonized....
noose around neck
was sent to heck...
dissintigrating to dust
feeling no morbid lust...
dissintigrating to dust
desert sand between her toes...
- Chevalterre Nabil
13 JUNE 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Juarez Issues 4th anniversary

cuando el gobierno Mexicano comienze a cooperar y darnos doble ciudadania...
cuando la gente de DF (no importa en que parte del mundo esten) que abusan y odian al resto de Mexico (incluyendo a cualquier persona que consideren "mexa"... a lo mejor me interesaria un poquitititito mas el deseo de regresar a trabajar o visitar...
pero, Dios y nomas el Señor- es quien sabra cuando se vayan a calmar aquellos quienes siguen abusando. Porque la realidad esque llevan generaciones continuando sus problemas en Japon, EEUU, y otros paises. Y otras gentes siguen el eco/el patron de sus maldades.

This note is a written thought inspired from the campaign Diario de Juarez (video attached), as well as experiences from travels and tours in Japan in 20012 and one of Ms. Karla's last art gigs in El Paso prior to needing to move to New Mexico...
-- the video is intended to be inspiring and motivating to Juarences.
-- the blog post is to voice what a binational still struggles with in thought.
_____ thank you for reading. do share your thoughts in the comments section.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Chucanito Infatuations

(for Mr. de Anda, from Ms. Nabil)

The gentle giant steps aboard the bus
sitting a seat away from the lady weaving freehand
he checks her out and smiles gallantly...
No, he does not check out her cleavage.
No, he does not check out her hips.
He doesn't even check for makeup or jewelry.
She's a lady.
She's not flaunted anything...
until she notice what he is checking out...
She then keeps busting her moves:
digits dancing
digits dressed and draped
in burgundy and aqua tones...
embroidery floss in varied lengths
twisted, kinked, and knotted...
manipulated to her liking...
by the meatiness and bellies of each of her fingers.
the gentle giant asks what she does with her creations.
she describes it in brief
She delights his eyes, with treasures finished in her bag...
in black, red, gold, and green...
he nearly lusts, and holds himself back.
He's not going to shop on the bus.
He warmly opens up to tell her of his crafty traits
airbrushing on leather and suede...
will he get the job at Lucchese?
She recommends Rocketbuster, too!
Silent pause...
She looks up and introduces herself
they shake hand...
their conversation continued and flowed
in one and two languages
switched and combined
consistently flowing
each, never doubting
never hesitating...
Silent pause...
they each wonder:
'How do I get to see her again?'
'I wonder if he'd like to continue this conversation.
but it doesn't have to be..."
Before she continues,
he asks how he can get a hold of her.
She offers her information
with her pseudonym...
He writes his full name...
Being new to town and no means of communication yet...
tall man
from Brownsville...
some long gone forgotten creative of El Chuco...
commuting from the Crossroads
to the Sun City...
nearly always working.
She's glad she didn't get a ride
and walked to catch the bus to work.
Or she'd never have met this kind creative soul.
Time is all there is now...
to tell another day of how this friendship
may continue.

-- Chevalterre Nabil​

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Vida Jodida

30 APR 2015

al amor le encanta joder
porque se me parte el alma
se me parte el corazon
de no haber recibido algun texto
alguna llamada
algun cariño
Cualquier Noticia
de tantos de ustedes...
Año tras año -
añadir y añadirrrrrrrr.....
como nos hemos jodido uno al otro
porque asi lo hacemos
tan queridos amigos...
que se joda uno a la otra
el otro a una
vice versa
versos se dicen...
versos de mi mente seccionada
mi mente escapando
al olvido surreal...
intentando recordarlos
a cada uno de ustedes....
un chingo-mil de ustedes....
quienes casi ya no nos conocemos...
por habernos ocultado
detras de los androides...
el no sentir nada
ni en el corazon
Porque somos androides...
ni de carne
ni de huezo...
- aquella tarde cuando conoci
un hombre joven de cuarenta y pico
el setenta-y-tres porciento de su columna
columna metalica
mientras tardara un año en establecerce
en su sistema
el huye del frio...
en fin, el sonrie.
Ya no esta moribundo...
su vida previa jodida
hasta casi morir.
el sonrie
su cuerpo enderesado...
mientras el mio
de carne y huezo
con la misma alma
vieja, aburrida, jodida
de sangrando
enderesada por ser saciada
saciada por el espiritu del por alla
le puedo resar a Alah, Jesus, Buddha, Krshna
a los mensajeros y los angeles les puedo cantar...
porque el ser jodido
es ser bendecido
con el haber podido Vivir.
Doy gracias hoy...
por poder escribir este poema.
... esta cancion...
.... joder.
y aunque moribunda
sere yo...
- Je suis Chevalterre Nabil